Call us today at: (586) 909-2665 Fish

Bruce Township, Michigan 48065

Johnson Heating and Cooling, LLC is located on Van Dyke in down town Washington. The service men at Johnson Heating and Cooling, LLC are local and know the area well. We have relatives in Bruce Township and have done a great deal of our business in Bruce Township.

Some of our Local Customers that you may know:

Romeo, Washington, Bruce (RWB) Parks and Recreation

In 2013 Johnson Heating and Cooling, LLC was contracted by Johnson Thermol Temp, Inc to install a building automation system at Romeo, Washington, Bruce (RWB) Parks and Recreation for the purpose of controlling two HVAC units with the option to add additional equipment to the system at a later date. Johnson Heating and Cooling, LLC installed a top of the line web-server and created a 3-D building Graphics, provision for computer control of the HVAC equipment, and custom alarming built into the code that controls the building automation system. They also programed and installed a 32" touch screen interface for the system and mounted it on the wall in the office. CLICK HERE to read more!
